Friday, May 22, 2009

Organic Herbs-Thing To Consider When Buying

By: Michael Manning

Organic herbs that are grown by large corporate farmers have and obvious pricing advantage in the market place against smaller local growers. There are hidden and unmentioned factors that may change ones decision as to whether pricing is most important in buying organic herbs and other organic foods. In a supply and demand marketplace the pendulum is swinging in favor of organic food growers. Now the battle is on with the large ones vs. the small local ones. If you factor in the cost to the environment from farming practices and potency reducing transportation times you may find the small local growers are very comparable in price over the long term.

The best choice for purchasing organic herbs is to buy from small scale local family farmers. The fact that small local organic herb growers have greater control over their growing practices (pesticide use) and have virtually no potency reducing transportation times (environmental pollution) ensures that the long term dangers to the nations health is reduced. He is likely growing his produce organically. The higher prices come from the supply and demand continuum. Slower and smaller production ensures higher prices. All commerce is a matter of economics when buying in bulk. Larger growers have discounted pricing but result in larger indirect costs of health problems as a result of the corporate farming practices. Large scale farmers tend to focus on one or two herbs and grow the same ones on the same soil over and over while never allowing the soil to replenish its nutrients through other crop growth and/or resting the soil. The fact of poor nutrition and environmental pollutants leading to disease give credence to the importance of what should be a very simple choice when purchasing organic foods. Additionally you must consider the time issue. Buying locally ensures that the product is properly dried and not sitting on railroad cars or trucks while in green state and going though the dying time in the presence of road pollutants and pest laden railroad cars.

If possible it is always cheaper in the long run to buy organic herbs in bulk than those that are not organic. Even though you pay a higher premium you still have to deal with the environmental damage done with pesticides and health issues stemming from their use. Due to that fact that large scale growers aren't able crop rotate their land the disease resistance factor in the plants is reduced over time, thereby requiring more petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides to deliver a crop. Because of these issues and the longer term financial impact on you, at the end of the day you will still pay a price comparable to bulk organic herbs.

8 Toxic Terrors In Your Daily Food

By: Valeri Mae

There will be a whole load of invitations to parties during the year-end festivities and most diets would be flushed down the drain.
Still, it’ll be sad when the Christmas tree finally has to come down but you soon realised you’re coming down with something yourself too.

The many hours of partying, feasting, and downing bottles of wine are likely to leave you with the post party-bloat which is quite unattractive and definitely, unhealthy. A good friend once joked, “If you are what you eat, then I am fat and sweet”. It sounded funny at the time, but the sentence may have more truth to it than I dared to think. But before you dismiss it thinking, “Nah, I don’t binge like that,” we urge you to reconsider the toxic terrors you might unconsciously be ingesting on a daily basis. And we all know the daily habits are the worst.

Your Daily Latte
The benefits of caffeine or lack of it is a constant debate. But while you sit sipping your late and wait for the scientists’ final verdict, be aware that you’re consuming more fats and sugar than you can afford. Your daily caramel latte has enough full fat milk and sugar that could average a medium sized chocolate bar.

Your Alcohol

A glass of red once in a while may have some health benefits. Problem is, in this day and age, we never stop at one glass especially when you find that buying a bottle is cheaper than going by glasses. Line up the men in a bar and they can easily perform a beer belly dance for you. That’s because just one pint could contain the same number of calories as a sugary doughnut - imagine the many doughnuts that fill the jug! A pint a night could tot up to a thousand calories a week or every year, up to 6kg ! Bad for your figure, heart and your liver!

Your Fizzy Drink

One can of fizzy drink contains 6-7 teaspoons of sugar. Add that up and it totals up to 24 bags of sugar a year. Fizzy drinks are laced with additives, some of which have ben linked to health problems, including bloating, headaches, asthma, allergies, and possible hyperactivity and poor concentration in kids.

Your Happy Meal

With fast food chains popping up at every corner, it won’t be long until we eat around two billion fast food meals in a year. A Burger King® meal has around 1800 calories. That is almost all of the calories you need for a whole day, which for most people is around 2000 calories. There is a lot of fat, including over 8 grams of unhealthy trans fat.The large order of fries contains 500 calories, half of which come form fat. There are 28 grams of total fat, 6 grams of saturated fat and 6 grams of trans fat. The french fries also have over 800 milligrams of sodium and 60 grams of total carbohydrates, no different from those pack of potato chips you’ve been trying to avoid. Also, avoid sodium and MSG intake often used in Chinese food takeaways. Try to cook at home whenever possible because only then can you monitor what goes into your mouth.

Your White Stuff
The nutritionist will tell you that to lose weight you need to cut out all the white stuff: white bread, white rice, and white pasta. Foods such as those become white after being bleached and stripped of all their nutrients. For instance, processed white bread is full of chemical improvers and double the amount of yeast that you really need, which can lead to vaginal infections and thrush.Your Processed MeatProcessed and ground meats from supermarkets are often derived from bone, fat, gristle and skins as fillers. On top of that, fat mixture is a whole lot of other health-damaging ingredients such as gelatine, natrium, starch, preservatives and additives. You slap the ham between slices of bread to make a sandwich and use the ground meat for cooking pasta - all the while thinking you’re consuming healthy, lean meat. You’re better off substituting grilled chicken for ham and chopping your own chicken breast to ensure you get only lean meat in your cooking.

Your Chocolate and Cookies

Take a walk down the supermarket aisle. You’d notice that the imported chocolates are getting bigger and we get plenty of high-fat cookies to choose from. If you comped a standard size bar every day of the year on top of your normal daily intake, you could gain anything up to 12kg! So chocoholics be warned - it would take about 1 hour on a bike to burn off a single bar!

Your Hidden Sugar
Sugar is found in almost every food and if you’re not careful, you might be consuming additional sugar. One can of baked beans can contain up to 4 teaspoons of sugar, a tub of fruit yogurt could contain as many as 7 teaspoons of sugar. You should also avoid high sugar fruits such as mangoes, pineapples and bananas. Have them only as a treat. Choose healthier fruits such as berries, kiwis, and apples which are high in fibres.

Valerie Mae is a natural and organic beauty and wellness practitioner. She is part of the Organic Passion team that are dedicated in educating people on the benefits of eliminating chemicals and adopting a natural and organic lifestyle. Read more about their organic findings at

Eating Organic Food To Improve Your Health

By: Darrell Knox

Organic food is food that has been grown without the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers. The food is as natural as can be, safer for the environment and usually tastes better too. Most importantly though, eating this food is healthier for you and may provide many health benefits, which is what this article is all about.

Even though further research needs to be done to gain a better understanding of the benefits of organic food, there is still much valuable information to share with you.
Before we discuss the actual health benefits of eating whole food, lets take a look at the advantages it has over non-organic food.

It's a fact that this food is highly nutritious and contains higher levels of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C and minerals like magnesium, calcium and iron are just some of the nutrients organic food contains higher amounts of.

Whole foods also contain higher amounts of antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of developing cancers.

You may be surprised to know, but the vegetables we eat today are nowhere near as nutritious as they were 50 or even 15 years ago. Farmers tend to take shortcuts when growing food, and the fastest way is generally not the best way to do something. This trend is expected to continue, so if eating highly nutritious food is important to you, looking into organic foods is something worth considering.

If you were wondering why organic food hasn't exactly taken the world by storm, it's mainly due to the extra cost associated with organic growing. Demand is greater than supply and as a result, you can expect to pay about 20% extra for this kind of food..

Numerous studies have been conducted to find out the benefits whole foods can provide us humans. Many results are still fairly inconclusive however there have been many reported cases of benefits when animals are fed organic food.

The reason for the vagueness in health benefits is due to many reasons such as: incorrect method of testing and the lengthy time it takes to determine results of this nature. However several studies have shown benefits such as:

Decline in colds and other conditions
Improves dental healthImproves flow of your overall system
Greater chance of sprains and fractures
Reduces chance of injuryBetter over health

As mentioned, the subject of organic food vs non organic food is very iffy and many researches believe that this food provides little to no health benefits.Thinking about it logically, surely food that has been grown as it was intended to and that contains no added toxic chemicals has to be considerably healthier for us.

Whether the extra cost associated with organic food is worth the money is entirely up to the person. There is insufficient evidence to say something like "eating whole foods will reduce the likelihood of getting heart disease".

Even though it's likely that eating organic food will produce significant healthier benefits long term, as of now it comes more down to ones opinion than solid fact.

Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience.Website:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Organic Or Just Perticide Free?

'Organic' are not just 'pesticide free'. And actually, the two words are far from being the same.

Organic foods are produces that were grown without the use of conventional pesticides and artificial fertilizer or hormones. The results are foods that are more nutritious and safer than those produced by other methgods.

Preticide free foods are produces that were grown with the use of pesticides or artificial fertilizers but under controlled speculations. The crops must be harvested after a regulated period of time and are totally safe for consuming. But the tase and freshness are definitely inferior of those organic produced.