Wednesday, June 24, 2009

12 Foods To Eat Organic

By Temp

To be and stay healthy, you must eat healthy foods. An important part of a food being healthy is for the food to be certified organic. To be organic, foods must meet certain standards set by their accredited organic certification organization. Among the standards required for organic foods, is that the foods have to be grown or raised without use of toxic pesticides. The following is a list of some of the most important foods that should be organic if you are going to consume them. They are organized in no particular order.

1. Milk: Non-organically raised cows are stuffed with antibiotics and growth hormones. Make sure your milk and other dairy products are from organically-fed cows that haven’t been pumped with extra antibiotics. If you are buying and drinking goat milk or goat products, know that scientists have now genetically mutated a goat to spin silk in her milk.

2. Rice: Domestic rice contains mega-doses of pesticides. Buy organic rice where you can find it and store it in an airtight container.

3. Potatoes: The non organic variety is laden with pesticides or has been genetically-modified. Genetically modified potatoes impair the immune system and can shrink the brain, liver and heart.

4. Baby Food: The younger a person, the most susceptible they are to pesticides. There are many organic baby food brands now.

5. Green Beans: At least 60 different pesticides are used on green beans. Even beans used in baby food have been found to be contaminated.

6. Strawberries: Eat organic ones while they are in season from local organic farms or buy frozen organic strawberries from your local whole foods market.

7. Green and Red Bell Peppers: These excellent sources of Vitamin C are contaminated with pesticides. Buy these organic. Or, you can buy organic seeds and grow your own.

8. Corn: Corn doesn’t really have that many pesticide residues. But 75 to 90 percent of all domestic corn has been genetically-modified, and the average American eats 11 pounds of it. Also, most cooking oils include corn oil, and so many foods are sweetened with corn syrup. Eat local organic corn in season and freeze some for later.

9. Bananas: This tropical favorite isn’t ripe for very long and has a very long distance to travel to market. These two factors combined, leads to a lot of heavy chemical dousing during the process.

10. Cherries: These rich pieces of fruit are heavily doused in poison. Make sure that the cherries you buy are organic and clean for the best and sweetest taste out there.

11. Cucumbers: By the time the cucumbers in your salad have traveled from the farm to the plate, they are intoxicated with pesticides. Buy organic cucumbers to avoid eating pesticide-filled cucumbers.

12. Celery: Very much laced with pesticides that have been sprayed onto them from their first conception, cucumbers are definitely one vegetable that you should buy organic.All of these foods that have been discussed should be bought organic. Eating organic foods will ensure that your body will be the healthiest it can be.

Amber Singleton is a writer for OrganicBabyWearhouse. is your first stop for organic baby products. No matter if you are looking for organic baby food or organic baby clothes, can fulfill all of your organic baby needs.

Organic Herbs And Spices - Time To Make The Switch?

By Stephen C. Sharp

Did you know? Organically grown plants sprouted and harvested using absolutely no unnatural chemicals which means your food has less harmful chemicals. This not only helps protects you from chemicals that can cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses but it also helps protect the environment from these chemicals as well. When harmful chemicals are put into our soil it interferes which natures balance. Also these harmful pollutants can get into our lakes and rivers causing even more harm as time passes.

Production of organic products also includes a pledge to help conserve valuable natural resources. These producers conserve water by using less irrigation; they conserve soil by taking measures to prevent runoff; they also conserve valuable energy sources by working the land less and selling their food locally. By not using dangerous chemicals and by keeping natural non-farmed areas, organic producers also help to maintain wildlife biodiversity. The main goal of an organic farmer is to grow their crop without taking from the local environment. That way, the land will be available for future generations to farm.

Most of the nations today are dealing with severe problems of soil depletion and have become dependent on artificial fertilizers. With fall in the nutrient content of the soil, there is reduced nutritional value and crop yield. Soil depletion is caused by the combined effects of growing population densities, large-scale industrial logging, slash and burn agriculture and ranching. Other causes of depletion are over-tillage and overuse of inputs such as synthetic fertilizers and herbicides, which leave residues and buildups that inhibit micro-organisms. Though it is a worldwide problem, soil erosion has received little attention in terms of research or discussion. In many respects, it appears that soil conservation has been a neglected subject in agricultural economics during the last two or three decades.

Believe it or not just a few people changing to organic foods will help our planet as well as supplement ones body with much needed nutrients that are lacking in so many of the processed foods found on our grocery shelves. By buying organic products, and encouraging others to do so as well, you are taking a small dent out of the problems traditional agriculture is causing. You are also helping to send a message direct to some conventional farmers and growers that some of their methods are unethical and unacceptable. This makes it beneficial for not only your family, but for our future family members and friends.

Born and raised in the outskirts of Boston, Ma. With a deep backround in herbal nutriton I offer advice and tips on many natural remedies using only natural herbs and spices. See our huge variety of ready to ship freshly packaged organic herbs and spices at and or visit our retail store in Port Orange, Florida!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Organic Rice And Vegetable For Better Life

By Andri R.

Healthy life is the most choice for modern people nowadays, because healthy life can bring them to another choices which give theme more happiness. With healthy life, someone can do a lot of activities they want to do, for examples he can come together with people he love, travelling to amazing places, sharing each other, or another hobby he can do, which can’t do when he isn’t healthy.

One factor which can influence human health is food. Technology expansion in modern life doesn’t always give positive impact in food industry. Basically, food we eat everyday is a natural substance. But in fact, the food precisely contains a lot of chemical substance which comes from pesticide and chemical fertilizer. Remember too about synthetic growth hormone for plants inside food. That’s all because some farmers want to produce faster with high amount and more profit they get.

Basically, human body doesn’t need this chemical substances, moreover in large amount can cause some deseases and toxic substance in our blood and body. Since we were a baby, we consume food with chemical substance as long as we live until now. Can you imagine how much this chemical substance are accumulate in our body? While we almost never clean it with cleansing method. The entering toxics are not balance with exhausted toxics. Finally, this causes a lot of deseases in our body.

Natural and organic products rapidly developed as human awareness and need in healthy life increase. This time, there are a lot of organic products has been produced by organic farmers such as organic rice and organic vegetable. This food product can be an alternative for modern life to change food pattern from chemical substance into organic one to decrease its negative impact caused by chemical substance.

What are organic rice and vegetable?
Organic rice and vegetable are food product which is produced naturally without chemical processing or with no synthetic substances like pesticide, herbicide, chemical fertilizer, and no hormone injection. The process is without ionization radiation or genetic modification. It use organic fertilizer to grow. Organic rice and vegetable contain better nutrient for human body and also can be an alternative for treatment.

Why people choose organic food?
There are 8 reasons why they eat organic food
1. Begin with what we eat
2. Stop consuming chemical substance
3. To protect children’s health
4. To protect water, land, and air quality.

Impact of organic rice and vegetable for ecosystem is very good. It can fertile the soil and the micro organism in the soil grow naturally which can give amazing mineral and vitamin substance. Nature balance and the habitat can be preserved naturally.
5. To protect the farmer’s health
6. To support micro industry of domestic farmer
7. To save money from treatment
8. Because organic food’s taste is delicious.

There are another different reason for modern people why they choose organic food. And your reason is inside you. Organic rice and vegetable can bring us into better life. No more money for illness treatment, no more chemical substance in our body, and no more complaint for bad condition of life. Be an organic consumer!
For further information, please visit Warung Organik provides Beras Organik And Sayur Organik

Can Eating These Organic Foods Assist in Re-growing Thinning Hair?

By Willie Jones

Hair loss for men and women can be devastating to your confidence and sociability. Women especially can experience much anguish over thinning hair.

However, there are options to slow, stop or reverse this condition.

1. Hair transplants. This is probably the most invasive, expensive but quickest method to getting back a full head of hair. For those who have the time and money this may be an option for you.

2. Medicinal topical treatments. These are liquids or shampoo type products that you use over time to re-grow hair.

3. Diet! The food you eat can have a tremendous impact on hair loss and hair re-growth.Nutrient rich blood flow to the scalp is essential for natural hair growth and luster. Dry brittle hair is a symptom of poor hair health. Excessive oil is also a symptom of poor hair health.

Hair needs good oils, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These are the good fats that help keep the LDL cholesterol down and are heart friendly as well as healthy for your hair such as; almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, and good oils such as olive oil, flaxseed oil or hemp oil. Flaxseed oil is high in omega 3 but even better is hemp oil that has the correct balance of omega-3 and omega-6, which is very important for healthy hair.

Studies done about Japan pre World War II showed that Japanese men maintained a full head of hair and that it was not until the western diet where saturated fatty foods were introduced that there was a rise in baldness.

Healthy hair also needs B-vitamins. These vitamins assist in making red blood cells which carry oxygen to all the cells and this is important for hair health. Foods that contain B-vitamins are; whole grains such as wheat, oats, quinoa, wheat germ and brewers yeast, also chicken, turkey, sea foods, dairy products, eggs, leafy green vegetables and a variety of beans.

The importance of minerals is often under estimated. A lack of minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and silica can contribute to hair thinning. Some mineral rich foods are dark leafy greens, sprouts, sea weed, fruits and vegetables.

Vegetables that are high in these minerals are; Squash,Sweet potato and regular potatoes, Lima beans, Peas, Spinach, Kale, Avocados, Cucumbers, Broccoli, Peas

Fruits high in these minerals; Kiwis, Blueberries, Citrus fruits, Blackberries, Bananas, Strawberries, Tomatoes

Nuts high in these minerals; Pecans, Brazil nuts, Pine nuts, Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts, Sun flower seeds

Vitamin C is also and important vitamin for hair health and absorption of minerals such as iron. Fruit, especially citrus fruits are high in this vitamin.

Hair is mostly made up of protein and a protein rich diet of sea foods, poultry, eggs and nuts helps to keep hair lustrous. If you are going to eat red meat, choose very lean cuts.

If you stick to eating a common sense diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and nuts you should do well overall. Processed foods should not your first choice for food. Most of these foods contain preservatives, pesticides and MSG which are not necessarily the best choice if you are trying to resolve your hair issue.

Organic foods not only taste better but have a higher nutrient content which is what you want if you are trying to improve the condition of your hair. If you are entertaining the idea of a hair transplant, changing your diet before hand, during and after can enhance the overall experience. The same goes for topical treatments. Good luck!
Willie is co-owner of a site devoted to providing information in helping men and women with hair loss, and to assist with doctor developed products for hair re-growth and hair care.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Organic Food For Weight Loss

By: Robert Baird

At present the market is flooded with scores of weight loss supplements and with the percentage of obese individuals increasing in number with the passage of time, it is doubtless that these supplements make brisk business. However, it is necessary to make individuals aware of the fact that most of these weight loss supplements are not effective in causing weight loss and the usage of some of these are detrimental to the body and its organs as well. Under such circumstances, it is safest to follow the various guidelines that have been set down by the United States Food and Drugs Administration or FDA and buy only those products which have been sanctioned by the FDA. The latest fad to have reached the market is organic food and it is considered to be very effective in causing weight loss. it is primarily necessary to realize what is meant by the term organic food. Organic food simply refers to those food components which have been produced naturally without the use of synthetic supplements or pesticides or preservatives of any kind. While at present certified organic food are widely available, researchers have opined that not only are these organic food extremely nutritious and beneficial for health, but at the same time they are quite tasty as well. One of the major reasons due to which organic food are considered to have an edge over cooked food is that heat used at the time of cooking changes the composition of the proteins, fat and carbohydrate contents and it also leads to the loss of various important nutrient elements and enzymes which are of good use to the body. On the other hand, organic food aids considerably in weight loss and the consumption of organic food makes a person feel more energized and full and as a result of swift bowel movements, the absorption of nutrients is faster and it prevents the accumulation of excess fat. Organic food helps in the cleansing of the blood stream and facilitates swift removal of toxins form the body.
Natural organic food not only aids in losing weight but in course of this process it does not compromise with the nutritional value of the food substances consumed. All nutritional elements that benefit the body are retained. Organic foods are natural substances and hence they are valuable for maintaining a healthy lifestyle while aiding in excess weight reduction and shedding of excess calories.