Friday, January 30, 2009
VitalClay - Multi - Cooker

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Great Basic Rice Cooker

Monday, January 26, 2009
Thai Brown Rice Benja Krayatip

Friday, January 23, 2009
Thai Rice...This' Way Of Life

Khao Hom Ma Li, internationally referred to as ‘Jusmine Rice’, is one of Thailand’s best kept agricultural secrets. This fragrant or scented rice has a fine aroma and delicate flavour. As uncooked grains, they are translucent long grains which resemble India’s Basmatic rice. When cooked, the Jusmine rice will turn fluffy and white, ready to be served on the table. Khao Hom Ma Li is also known locally as Khao Chao, and is commonly consumed by those living in the Central and Southern regions.
Preparing and Cooking
Ingredients (yield: 4-5 servings)
- 3 cups of rice grain
- 4 cups of water
- 3 pandanus leaves
- Put the jasmine rice in a large bowl and pour in sufficient cold water to cover it. Gently swirl the grains between your fingers. The water may become slightly cloudy.
- Leave the rice to settle. Then drain the water away by slowly tipping the bowl. Repeat this rinsing step at least three times until the water turns clear. This will help remove excess starch and any dust that may have during storage. Drain thoroughly.
- Cooking steamed rice. Pour water into a pot and place over high heat. When boiling, pour in the rinsed rice and cover the lid Stir occasionally.
- To add more aromatic flavour to the rice place 3 chopped pandanus leaves in the pot when the water is nearly dry.
Reduce the heat down to the lowest setting and leave to steam for 15 minutes. Then leave to cook for some 5 minutes.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Organic Marin : Recipes From Land To Table

The connection between field and farmer, land and table, and food and family translates to the passionate belief that food fosters community. And nowhere is this connection more apparent than in Marin County, California, the birthplace and standard-bearer of American organic farming.
In Organic Marin, 16 of America's most esteemed organic farms share their stories and philosophies alongside 50 mouthwatering organic recipes organized by season and contributed by 25 of the San Francisco Bay Area's most popular organic restaurants.
With recipes for Heirloom Tomato Flat Bread, Seared Ahi Tuna with Asian Slaw, Chicken Fra Diavolo with Fennel and Dandelion Salad, Double Chocolate Bread Pudding, and much more, anyone can create the delicious dishes featured in this beautiful and inspiring organic cookbook. Read more.
Better Basics For The Home

3 teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon flour, and enough white distilled vinegar to make a paste. Scoop the paste onto a clean sponge, and polish the metal clean. Rinse with hot water and buff dry.
Sure, these days it's literally impossible to lead a life that is completely toxin-free. But you can significantly reduce your exposure, and picking up a copy Better Basics for the Home is a great way to get started. Read more.
Organic, Inc. : Natural Foods And How They Grew

To Buy Or Not To Buy Organic


Raw Foodism
Devotees of raw food diets try to eat uncooked food – or cooked using low heat. In spite of it seeming restrictive the diet actually allows for a wide variety of foods, such as meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, all of which should be 100 percent organic.
Detox diets are restrictive in that they omit anything that’s considered ‘toxic’. Followers normally eat little but raw fruit and vegetables. Detox diets are considered extreme by doctors as they are low in essential nutritients and don’t allow for a wide range of foods to be eaten. They shouldn’t be followed as a long-term healthy eating plan.
There are several degrees of vegetarianism; the most popular, a lacto-ovo diet is one that excludes meat, but allows for by-products such as dairy and eggs to be eaten. Vegans are more restrictive with their diet as they refuse to eat or wear anything from an animal.
Popularised by celebrities like Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, a macrobiotic diet is similar to veganism, in that it advocates eating whole grains, pulses, fresh fruit and vegetables but excludes meat, dairy products and highly processed or refined foods. Macrobiotics also ensure they never over eat by chewing food slowly and thoroughly before being swallowed.
A low carb diet permits the eating of proteins and healthy fats, but limits carbohydrate consumption. Processed foods such as white rice, bread and pasta should be swapped for the high fibre wholegrain varieties.
Monday, January 19, 2009
There are many contaminants that assault us on a daily basis. These toxins are in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the foods we eat, to name just a few. Eating organic food greatly reduces the toxins we consume in our food. Organic food is becoming more popular as people are becoming more health conscious. There are now certain regulations for growing organic foods commercially and many foods, especially eggs, bear an organic certification label. What is organic food? Organic food is food that is grown naturally without the aid of commercial fertilizers and chemicals like insecticides, herbicides, and anti-fungal substances. Organic growers use only organic fertilizers and remedies for growing plants. These foods are natural and unrefined. Feeding the animals food that has no chemicals added to it in turn produces organic animal products such as meat, poultry and eggs. For example, chickens and poultry are allowed to roam free as opposed to being kept cooped up in cages, and fruits and vegetables are not chemically ripened. Advantages of organic food: There are several advantages for us in eating organic foods:
• There are considerably less toxins in the food as it is grown without the aid of chemicals
• It is often better tasting
• Better for you-there are more nutrients in organic foods and Omega 3 is often found in organic eggs. How Organic food will improve your health: A natural diet consisting of unrefined foods, more fiber less chemicals and toxins will improve your overall health in several ways:
• More fiber from fiber rich foods and those that are unrefined will help your digestive system and allow your whole body to function better.
• Some organic eggs are produced from chickens that are fed on vegetarian feed. This will cut down trans fat and animal fat in the eggs. Omega 3 is found in organic eggs, this substance can be good for the heart.
• There is more iron in the yolk of an organic egg. As seen by the pale color of the commercial egg yolk as opposed to the dark yellow/orange of the organic egg.
• Due to the absence of refinement in organic food it is more satisfying and will help you with any weight loss program by encouraging you to eat less.
• Organic fruits and vegetables have more nutrition than commercially grown ones so you will be feeding your body with better food and improve your overall health.
Organic foods are the wave of the future as more people become more educated about their health and the foods that are good for them. At present, prices are a little higher for organic products but it is worth it when you consider the benefits. By switching to organic food you will improve your health and wellbeing and you will also be able to boost your immune system and help your body fight off diseases and toxins.
About the Author
Zach Thompson is a PolySaccharide Sales Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can help you, visit Fucoidan PolySaccharide.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Review by D.Vastardis
Eden Organics black beans are superior, with great taste and texture. The hulls have been completely removed so they are easy to digest, and do not produce much gas or irritation. Most importantly, they are low in salt. I have borderline high blood pressure, so this is magnificent for me. Moreover, they are completely natural, with no additives. Keeping healthy is so important, and the easiest way to do it is to eat properly. This means, of course, natural foods. I am so thankful for Eden's beans (the plain black ones are my favorite). See more.
Sunday, January 11, 2009


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Vegan Natural Choice (Review by Vegancompassion "anattanupassana")
Vegan. Natural. Excellent quality. Chana dal is one of my favorites from when I lived in India & Nepal. Dal is the primary protein source for vegetarians in South Asia and can also be a great part of any vegan diet. Here is "Greg's Flavorful Chana Dal" recipe: Pour safflower oil in bottom of crock pot or deep fryer (.25"/.5 cm) and heat; after hot add minced fresh ginger, minced fresh garlic, minced fresh onion, and minced fresh habenero or chilis (optional) to taste and cook/stir for 1-3 minutes; add 3 parts water for however much chana dal you intend to cook and boil; then add chana dal; cook and occasionally stir for about 1.5 hrs or until creamy consistency. If preparing small portion, then do first steps in small frypan and transfer to cooking pot so oil is not too much. This review is out there for those for whom this makes a difference. See all of my reviews for more great choices. Check out "Vegan Grocery Favorites" and "Vegan Grocery Top Ten" in Listmania. Your "helpful" votes count and will be greatly appreciated to benefit the search of others. See more.

"Our well-dressed (sharpened) sets of millstones turn the highest quality wheat into a finer, better baking bread flour than all the hammer mills, steel roller mills, steel buhr mills, or pulverizers ever built! These slow turning millstones grind the bran, endosperm, and germ (containing its nutritious wheat germ oil) into flour in a cool natural way, creating a more assimilable food."

People are struggling with maintaining healthy food choices. It is not surprising because they are constantly bombarded with conflicting information about what’s healthy and what’s not and they are also given numerous choices when it comes to food products. With all these choices and information, it is not inevitable that people will end up confused. You probably share the same confusion. Who can blame you?
If you would visit a local grocery store, you would find numerous aisles of different foods. If you would go to a restaurant, you would find pages after pages of menus. With so man food choices, you probably are finding it hard to stick to your “healthy foods only” diet. To make sure that you would go home with a bag full of healthy food choices, here are some tips that you should definitely take note of.
Shop Only When You’re Not Hungry
Go to the grocery store only when your stomach is full. This does not need much explanation. Doing your grocery when your stomach is empty would definitely tempt you to buy anything that catches your fancy. You’d be practically throwing your “healthy food choices” list out of the window. It is best to do your grocery shopping after you have eaten your breakfast in the morning or your dinner in the evening.
Choose Canned or Bottled Products Carefully
First of all, if you are going to buy meat, vegetables and fruits, do not buy those that are packed with oil. If you need to buy these food products, make sure that you buy those that are packed in water. Chances are the water will likely reduce the calories in meat products. Do not buy products that are labeled “hydrogenated”. These products practically scream, “Fats!” You need to have a discerning and careful eye when it comes to sneaky wordings in packages. This is one way to make sure that you only end up with healthy food choices.
You should also avoid products with high fructose or glucose content. Many products like juices and soft drinks are loaded with high fructose content. When you see these words “high fructose” in a grocery product, you should definitely stay away from it. These words basically mean that you would be drinking something with 100% pure sugar in it.
Many manufacturers add high fructose to their products in order to save money. Unfortunately, this causes obesity and diabetes. Examples of this are pancake corn syrups. This is why it is very important that you first check product labels before you buy anything. To be able to make healthy food choices, you need to make sure that you are making informed choices.
Buy Organic Meat and Poultry
When purchasing meat products like beef, pork and poultry, you should definitely consider opting for organic products. These are free from growth hormones, steroids and other chemicals. When buying poultry, you should look for free range chickens because they often tastes delicious than caged chickens. You should also get skinless chicken because bad cholesterols and calories in chickens are concentrated on their skin.
When buying organic foods, it is better to buy them locally. Not only will you help your community’s economy, you will also save energy. This is the additional bonus you get from making healthy food choices.
Make Wise Grocery Product Choices
First of all, you should make sure that you opt for low sodium prepackaged foods. If you are too busy and you have to resort to buying frozen dinners and canned foods, make sure that you get packages with the lowest sodium count. Making these simple healthy food choices will ensure that you will avoid various illnesses like hypertension or cardiac problems.
If you are one of those people who would like to avoid dairy products, you can opt for food alternatives like broccoli. This vegetable is packed with calcium, so you would still be getting the nutrient despite the absence of milk or cheese in your diet.
When buying breads and cereals, you should opt for whole grain foods. Also, make sure that you always read the labels and get products that are low in fat or zero in fat. You can still give in to your sweet cravings without necessarily placing yourself at risk of developing diabetes.
Eating healthy involves making healthy food choices. You need to make sure that every food that gets into your grocery basket is healthy for you and your family.
Pro Chef 360 - Created and maintained by the culinary minded
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/food-and-beverage-articles/how-to-make-healthy-food-choices-716118.html
Friday, January 9, 2009


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009