Thursday, January 22, 2009


Have you ever confused of the difference between detox, macrobiotics and low carb?

Raw Foodism
Devotees of raw food diets try to eat uncooked food – or cooked using low heat. In spite of it seeming restrictive the diet actually allows for a wide variety of foods, such as meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, all of which should be 100 percent organic.

Detox Diet
Detox diets are restrictive in that they omit anything that’s considered ‘toxic’. Followers normally eat little but raw fruit and vegetables. Detox diets are considered extreme by doctors as they are low in essential nutritients and don’t allow for a wide range of foods to be eaten. They shouldn’t be followed as a long-term healthy eating plan.

There are several degrees of vegetarianism; the most popular, a lacto-ovo diet is one that excludes meat, but allows for by-products such as dairy and eggs to be eaten. Vegans are more restrictive with their diet as they refuse to eat or wear anything from an animal.

Popularised by celebrities like Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, a macrobiotic diet is similar to veganism, in that it advocates eating whole grains, pulses, fresh fruit and vegetables but excludes meat, dairy products and highly processed or refined foods. Macrobiotics also ensure they never over eat by chewing food slowly and thoroughly before being swallowed.

Low Carb Diet
A low carb diet permits the eating of proteins and healthy fats, but limits carbohydrate consumption. Processed foods such as white rice, bread and pasta should be swapped for the high fibre wholegrain varieties.

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